The New Virtual Nightlife During Covid-19

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The virtual takeover of nightlife!

Now that the bars, nightclubs and festivals have been and will most likely stay closed for the near future due to Covid-19, we have all seen virtual nightlife try to figure out how to fill the void. It has been fun to watch the progression of creative DJ’s, bands and event promoters try to solve the mystery of moving high energy events online.

The first and most logical step was to live stream your favorite DJ broadcasting from their living room or kitchen. I think we all agree that this was interesting for about three songs before it quickly became background music while you worked on organizing your sock drawer.

Next we had DJ’s up their game by moving in front of a green screen and adding props to their virtual live DJ sets. The duo that has led the way in what is fun and possible is Diplo and Dillon Francis. The two host a weekly Saturday night gig called “CoroNight Fever” Each week they have come up with crazy background videos, goofy filters and dancing unicorn and kitten emojis. Now we can jump around to the music AND be entertained by their high energy awkwardness.

The winner of the most creative and AMAZING idea to keep the coronavirus blues away is the German promoters at Club Index who organized a “drive-in rave”. Each guest arrives in a car in a massive parking lot and tunes into the headlining DJ on stage. We have never fully tried to dance while seated in a vehicle but why not?!?

We are only a month into adjusting to virtual nightlife and we can only imagine and hope that the level of sophistication and creativity continues to improve exponentially. Diplo, what you got next?